Tuesday 8 May 2018

So far

This year so far...

I will say that since leaving my job, I've never been so busy.

Got engaged.
Work leaving party.
Apply for fellowship
Quit job.
Fellowship application refusal.
Got married.
Family here.
Exceptional talent visa application.
Throw dinner party.
Moving out.
Preparing for N2.
Selling everything.
Sorting through everything.
Friends visit.
More friends visit.
Booking flights to London.
Booking flights to Atlanta.
Making post cards to send to friends.
Falling into YouTube holes.
Dodgeball tournament.
Organise trip to Shikoku.
Hula hooping.
Sending postcards.
Getting the visa.
Submitting passport.
Immigration office.
Sony VIP headquarters tour.
Arrange temporary accommodation at friends.

... we're somehow pulling it off. Stay tuned.