Friday 12 January 2018


Akemashita Omedetou Gozaimasu!

I will be uploading the pictures from our trip to Taiwan, just as soon as I get round to it. DONT PUSH ME MOTHERFUCKERZ.

The concoction of being hungover and sleep deprived mixed with a flight back to cold-as-hell Tokyo from Taipei on the fist day of the new year caused me to catch a flu. Seriously great start to 2018 bla bla sarcastic eye roll emoji.

Before the damage was felt, I was able to see my old school friend Yuri on Jan 2nd for a quick catch-up, but I could feel something was off. By the evening I knew I was coming down with something serious. I spent the first week of the new year bed-bound with a crippling flu. Matt was there to nurse me which was wonderful. There is no way I would have been able to get to the doctor alone in that state.

With confidence I can say that was one of the occasions I've felt most sick in adult life. I was having flashbacks to being a kid and having glandular fever. Theres two other times that immediately come to mind: getting food poisoning in India, and catching a virus off my mum before the xmas of... 2011 (?).

After recovering, I finally feel a shot of optimism back into my mind. I'm determined to make big changes this year.

I told my boss that I will quit my job at the end of March. I will be leaving Japan in May. I'm returning to London, and Matt is coming with me. We are trying to figure out the visa situation. It's a little stressful, but I already had a mass panic about it, and now I'm trying to see the positive side.

We are heading to Sendai this weekend to spend time with cousin Jason.

I'm no longer mixed about leaving Japan. I finally think I'm ready. It only took five years.

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