Thursday 8 February 2018

The big announcement

Ok - I lied, I didn't upload the pictures from Taiwan. 

Anyway, 2018 is the year of big life changes and decisions.

One big decision that's been looming over me, and finally starting to take shape is the decision to leave Japan and move back to the London. DUN.DUN.DUN.

It's the right time to move on. I mean, I could easily stay in Japan forever, and it certainly has that power to draw you in. What I'm talking about, is that annoying irony that comes every time I threaten to leave this damn country (which I love). The promise of sweet new friends, a nicer place to live, a better job, a better life.... stop trying to seduce me Japan!

Now that I've realised its just a desperate seduction technique, I've gotten better at responding and accepting my fate by saying the N word. Which is "no". What other N word would I have been talking about? Japan is the needy partner who is impossible to break up with.

I've been ticking the boxes of closure in this relationship:

☑ Tell work I'm leaving
☑ Visit Jason in Sendai one last time
☑ RSVP "yes" to friends wedding in UK in July (thus confirming a date I must be back by)
☑ Begin searching for jobs in London
⬜ Finish paperwork for leaving current job
⬜ Buy leaving gifts for work colleagues
⬜ Do something about house and belongings (pack and ship presumably?)
⬜File paperwork at city hall to claim I'm leaving
⬜ Book a flight home
⬜ Figure out what to do with future

Ok, so I'm not doing that well so far... but there's other stuff on my plate, big stuff.

Here's one big thing: I'm getting married!! That's right....

We are getting married in Japan in March. WOOF. Bang - doin' it!

And that, tied to figuring out ways for Matt to get a valid UK visa with his exotic yet inconvenient Brazilian citizenship, is taking up a lot of time. Believe me, the UK has very strict immigration policies.

I feel really happy about marrying Matt - he's an amazing guy. I guess I've been really wrapped up in everything going on at the moment and getting to grips with all the changes and big decisions, its been emotional and overwhelming.

So, sorry I didn't upload the goddam Taiwan pictures, I was busy frying other fish.

Mic drop OUTT.

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