Monday 6 January 2014

sydney- a family holiday2

On December 27th we drovve up to the Blue Mountains. It was nice. Well, I had a good time, I love nature trails and crap like that. My dad has a really bad feat of heights, although he was coping. Joe had really bad sun-stroke so spent most of the day in the car trying not to die. On the plus side he got a nice sun hat.

We heart nature-trails! me plus siblings:

The moment Joes sunstroke kicked in:

We are adventurers we are adventuring:

we went for the classic titanic pose:

While writing this I just ate a really yummy piece of fruit. Japanese mikkan are like a really big yummy tangerine/clementine thing. YUM.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha, Joe looks so cool (not) looks hilarious!!


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